Richard Young
In the words of Oscar Wilde: "The pleasure that one has in creating a work of art is a purely personal pleasure, and it is for the sake of this pleasure that one creates. The artist works with his eye on the object. Nothing else interests him. What people are likely to say does not even occur to him. He is fascinated by what he has in hand. He is indifferent to others. If my work pleases the few, I am gratified. If it does not, it causes me no pain."

Though I have always had a flair for pencil and chalk drawing, I began oil painting at the age of 12 and enjoyed early regional competition success and media publicity for my work. However, following completion of advanced art studies and graduation as a design Engineer in 1983, with a passion to travel, I initially pursued a career in engineering as a design consultant with various International architectural design companies and have resided primarily in Iraq and Saudi Arabia ever since.

My passion for figurative painting, influenced and inspired by the works of many classical fine arts painters, from Bouguereau to Modigliani, has helped me develop a true sense of realism and convey both mood and atmosphere in my work. I believe that the nude in particular is undoubtedly the ultimate natural subject in purity of form.

2004 Grupo BATIK Gallery, Barcelona, Spain
2004 London Art's 'Art of Love' - finalist in their open exhibition competition
2004 Worburn Gallery, London - via Ickenox

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