Peter Clossick - London
Peter Clossick was educated at Goldsmiths College and Camberwell School of Art, London . He has been in shows regularly since 1978, including the London Group, Whitechapel Open, John Moore's Exhibition, and the RA Summer Shows. In 1989 he had his first one-man exhibition in Sweet Waters Gallery and has exhibited at the Cooling Gallery in Cork Street; the Royal Portrait Society; the Mall Galleries; and many others. Internationally he has shown in Miami, USA and around Europe. From 1997 to present he has exhibited with the Gallery Duncan Terrace in London. All paintings are oil on canvas, and prices range from £500 to £5000.

Goldsmiths College
Camberwell School of Art

358 Lee High Road, Lee Green, London SE12 8RS
Tel: (0044) 0208 333 0941
Fax: (0044) 0208 852 8055